At this point the public ministry of Jesus is well underway. Sick are being healed and demons are being cast out. We are told that Jesus entered Simon's home. This was a common name in Jesus day so we are not sure which Simon is being told of. Many have held the idea that it is Simon who would become Peter. Nonetheless, we are told that Jesus is in the business of healing people. Not just a select few, but all who would come.
Philippians 1:1-11
"I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ." (v. 6). God is the one who is in charge of the community of believers, and it is God who is the lead actor not us. God began the good work among humanity, and that work will be completed. We are not guaranteed to see the completion only that there will be a completion. Our human tendency is to live in our narrow view of history. God has been at work all eternity, we only see a small portion.
Psalms 119:105-112
The word of the Lord is a lamp to my feet, we take this to mean we will be able to see what we want to our our path. This is simply not true. A light on the path shows what is in a small area, the area we need to see for our next step not much beyond that. We must trust the step we are shown is the step we we need to take and that it will lead us to the calling of God.
2 Kings 1-3
Transitions are always hard, can you imagine the transition from Elijah to Elisha. Elijah was the lead prophet of God for years and he was the one everyone turned to. The time had come for Elijah to be taken to heaven, and Elisha to takeover Elijah's place. The pressure must have been huge, and I am sure the people wondered if it would work out. Yet God was the one orchestrating the transition, not humanity. God brings transition to life and we try to manage it instead of allowing God to simply lead us.
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