Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Philippians 1 -- Catch Phrase Alley

Here is Philippians we come across what I will call catch phrase alley. This is a section of scripture that has come of the more common phrases thrown around the church world. The one who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it, and to live is Christ and to die is gain are two of the more famous quotations. This morning the former is sticking in my mind.

The One who began a good work in you is faithful to complete the work. For me this morning that is good news. God is doing some really great things in my life and ministry right now. While being excited I have also had a troubling thought hanging in the back of my mind, can I see this through? A question that begins to have some interesting answers. On one hand the answer is yes, I can see it through. On the other hand the answer is no. I am not a fan of these answers. The issue here is who is at work?

Sure there is effort we must all put forward, but note what the verse says, the One who began a good work in you. It does not say the good work that we began, no it focuses on God. More specifically the work God is doing in us. It is not our work, it is the work God is doing in us. So I cannot complete the work, however, God will complete the work through me. Only through the wisdom and grace of God am I able to accomplish anything. Only when I remember my role am I able to see the work come to completion.

This verse holds truth for the journey of an individual, as well as the ministry and mission given to a person. The work God has begun will be seen to completion. Our role is to be obedient, follow and trust the work of God.

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