Thursday, April 9, 2009

John 19 -- The Second Biggest Moment

For many in their faith journey the cross is the primary focus. Everything comes back to the cross of Christ. I will not debate the importance of the acts described in John 19. Without the events of the trial and crucifixion, we would still be liable to God for sin. However, the crucifixion is not the most important moment. Easter morning is the most important moment in all of history. If the the body of Jesus was still in the tomb, Friday would have simply be another Roman execution. The cross, very important, but the second most important moment.

Having said that, what are you taking to the cross this year? What is it in your life that needs to die, and find new, transformed life on Easter morning? The next few days are the most important days in the life of the people of God who follow Christ, but they are not memorial days. The movement from Holy Thursday to Easter Morning, is to be a journey we take new each time. In my life I never have trouble finding what I need to offer.

I invite you to consider the final meal of Jesus, and what the means for you. I invite you to ponder the cross and what that means for you. An I invite you to explode with joy on resurrection morning. None of this as a memorial celebration, all of it as a celebration of what God is doing right now through Jesus Christ.

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