Sunday, July 19, 2009

2 Corinthians 9 -- Giving

Especially in times of economic downturn such as these, people do not like to talk about giving money. One truth about humans remains however, no matter whether we have a little or a lot, we do not like to give our money, unless we get something in return. Paul would tell us our return is knowing we are participating in the work of God. For many that simply is not enough. We worry about our tax statements, and we worry about how the church is going to spend our money. There is a tendency to give with strings attached. I wonder how we would feel if God gave with strings attached?

What if God said you can only have the my grace if you... The reality is God's grace is offered no strings attached. Now when we accept the grace of God through Jesus Christ, there are responsibilities which come with that relationship, but the grace is no strings attached. Several times Paul refers to the gift of the Corinthian church as generous, would you say your generous with what you are giving to God? Or are you generous only when you feel God has been generous?

Basically, all that we have and are is given to us by God. This is our money and our being, please make sure to keep those two things separate. The measure of our faith is what we do with what we have been given. Further, it is seen in what we expect in return for what we give. As far as earthly investments it does not add up, we are called to give everything, and expect nothing. Yet when we give everything to God, we receive more than we can measure with earthly standards.

Where is your heart when it comes to giving?

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