As I write this it is Sunday morning. In fact it is world communion Sunday, when we more intentionally recognize the connection of all followers of Christ through the wonderful mystery of Holy Communion. As people gather in churches this day all around the world the same challenging balance will be played out. No one can know the true condition of another persons heart, or the relationship they have with Jesus. What we can know is the result of that relationship. People will gather and celebrate in Jesus name this morning, the question is, does it go beyond just knowing.
Our relationship with Jesus is more than just knowing the name, and knowing about Jesus. We are called, and showed, to live the life Christ lived. This means being about the work Christ was about. It means living the pace and style of life Christ lives. Valuing what Christ values, and being Christ to a broken world. This will require much more than knowing, this will require us to wrap ourselves around Jesus. It is about using what we know of Jesus, and allowing the change in our lives because of Jesus, to transform the ways we live moment by moment.
Stepping beyond ourselves is what Jesus keeps calling us to. First we must be ready to step beyond when the moment comes, the lamp oil issue in Matthew 25. Then we must be willing to risk what the Lord has invested in us, the parable of the talents. Finally, we must be about the work of the Lord in the world, the sheep and the goats. So do you simply know Jesus, or has Jesus transformed your very being and life?
All I know is that I am not now the person I was long ago, or even yesterday all because of what Jesus has done in my life. I have stepped out of my comfort zone, not a huge step, but enough to realize it. This is huge for me! How I look back through the years where He has picked me up and carried me and I just PRAISE HIM for that! I find myself now thinking deeper and differently than I ever have before...all for HIS you say, stepping beyond myself. I will not give up, I will press forward and I hope and pray that you will, too!!!