I must confess that I am a selfish person. When it comes to how I would like life to work out, I would like to have it work out on my terms. My preference would be to have it all be about my pleasure and meeting my desires. A life lived on my terms. Problem, it does not work that way.
It is with a fair amount of confidence I suggest I am not alone. To varying degrees we all long to have live work on our terms. Often to make this work we only focus on what we determine to be acceptable or proper. In Luke 10 there is the parable of the Good Samaritan. This who parable is about getting outside of ourselves so we might see what God is offering to us at the moment.
There lies the challenge. It is hard to get outside ourselves. The pull to live on our terms is strong, and persistent. Still we must find a way to resist that pull. It would seem that Jesus suggests the best way to accomplish this task is to go out from where you are. In the first part of this chapter Jesus once again sends the gang out to be in mission. With the second portion of the chapter Jesus has the mission located outside of the everyone's comfort zone. The road between Jerusalem and Jericho was not a safe road. It was outside the city, outside of what was known and liked.
A key to a fulfilling life is not found in getting our desires met. The key to life is found in getting outside ourselves. Stepping away from what it normal, usual and comfortable. Stepping into the mission God is calling us to.
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