Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Revelation 1 -- The End, Now?

As we begin the final month of 2009, we reach the end of the New Testament. Up to this point we have journeyed through the Gospels, the works of Paul, and the many letters. We have read about the beginnings of this thing called the church, and seen the many warnings for the people of the church. Now we reach the end of the Biblical record. It seems like a strange time to dig into Revelation. We have now stepped both feet into Advent, the season of preparation, and it seems as though focusing on the birth of Christ might be more in order. This is the perfect time to wrestle with this challenging book, as we are in the season of preparation.

The birth of Christ has taken place, and that is cause to celebrate. While we celebrate memory is given to the fact of the cross hanging over the manger. Our Savior was born to die, only to be raised from the dead so we too might be raised. Ever since Jesus was taken back to the throne room we have been in the Waiting. Better yet to say, we have been in a season of anticipation and preparation. Humanity was given a promise, that Christ would return and set right all of creation in final victory over the enemy. While we hold the promise, it has not yet been realized.

Over the next month we will journey together through some additional warnings for the church, as well as begin to look at what it might be like when that day comes, and all is settled in creation. It will be a strange trip as some points, other times it will be a challenging trip, yet in the end it is all to prepare us for the return of the One.

So prepare your hearts. Prepare your mind. Get ready for what God is ready to do in this time of waiting and anticipation. I pray that we may find the end to be exactly where the beginning starts.

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